If someone is in immediate danger, CALL 911.

Olivia Cleveland, Investigative Agent
Phone: (419) 447-7521
ext. 1142
Email: ocleveland@senecadd.org
Fax: (419) 448-5294
To report allegations of abuse, neglect or other Major Unusual Incidents:
During business hours, call (419) 447-7521, extension 1142 to speak with Olivia Cleveland, or press 0 to speak to an operator.
After hours, holidays, or weekend calls should be made to (419) 937-4023.
Reports may also be made to Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities Abuse and Neglect hotline during business hours, or you may report abuse or neglect online.
Reporting Health, Safety and Welfare Concerns
The health, safety and welfare of people we support is our primary concern. Seneca County Opportunity Center takes this role very seriously and has many safeguards in place to ensure there is ongoing oversight. If you have any concerns about an individual and their services at any time, please contact us.
Not sure if your situation is a MUI?
What Happens When a Major Unusual Incident Occurs?
An MUI is any alleged, suspected or actual incident that adversely affects the health, safety or welfare of an individual with a disability.
MUIs can be reported by individuals with disabilities, staff, families, providers, or the general public.
For incidents of an alleged crime, we work with the local law enforcement.

Step 1
A MUI or an UI occurs.

Step 2
Someone reports the incident.

Step 3
Investigative Agent initiates an investigation.

Step 4
Causes and contributing factors are identified.

Step 5
A prevention plan is put in place.
Examples of Major Unusual Incidents
- Physical abuse
- Significant injury
- Sexual abuse
- Verbal abuse
- Attempted suicide
- Death
- Exploitation
- Medical emergency
- Missing individual
- Neglect
- Unapproved behavior support
- Unscheduled hospital admission or a significant injury
- Failure to report
- Prohibited sexual relations
- Rights code violations
- Peer to peer acts
Examples of Unusual Incidents
- ER or Urgent Care visits
- Dental injuries
- Falls
- An injury that is not a significant injury
- Medication errors without a likely risk to health and welfare
- Overnight relocation of an individual due to a fire, natural disaster, or mechanical failure
- An incident involving two individuals served that is not a peer-to-peer act
- Rights code violations or unapproved behavior supports without a likely risk to health and welfare
- Program implantation incidents
Why is it important to report an incident?
The MUI reporting system helps protect all individuals with developmental disabilities by allowing agencies to identify causes and factors that lead up to an incident.
Reporting an MUI reduces the likelihood of the incident occurring again. It also provides critical data that helps to determine trends and preventative plans that will lead to better protections.
FAQs About Reporting Abuse
- An Unusual Incident is an incident that is not consistent with a person’s care or service plan.
- Unusual Incidents are not as serious as MUIs but need to be investigated to ensure everyone is safe and to prevent future occurrences.
- Unusual Incidents are investigated by providers, while MUIs are investigated by county boards of developmental disabilities or developmental center investigators.
- MUIS may require law enforcement and other agencies to be involved.
Ohio Administrative Code 513-17-02 provides 19 MUI Classifications
- Accidental or Suspicious Death
- Attempted Suicide
- Exploitation
- Failure to Report
- Law Enforcement
- Medical Emergency
- Misappropriation
- Missing Individual
- Neglect
- Non-Accidental or Suspicious Death
- Peer-to-Peer Act
- Physical Abuse
- Prohibited Sexual RElations
- Rights Code Violation
- Sexual Abuse
- Significant Injury
- Unanticipated Hospitalizations
- Unapproved Behavior Support
- Verbal Abuse
- People with developmental disabilities regardless of service reception
- Providers of service, both in the home and in the community
- Family members and caregivers
- All county board staff
- General public
- Anyone paid to provide Medicaid waiver services
- Law Enforcement, as applicable
- Children or Adult Protective Services
- Seneca County Board of DD staff
- DODD’s Abuse and Neglect hotline during business hours, or the DODD’s online reporting system.
- MUIs are investigated by an Investigative Agent hired by the county board.
- Law enforcement or other agencies may investigate if necessary.
- The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities may investigate when it is a conflict of interest for the county board to investigate.
- Ensures immediate actions and proper notifications are made
- Notifies proper authorities when needed
- Reports occurrences to the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities within 24 hours of knowledge of the incident
- Take immediate action to protect the person’s health and safety
- Notify the legal guardian the same day as the incident
- Report all incidents, no later than 4 hours after being made aware, to the SCBDD about MUI allegations
- Notify law enforcement and/or children services of alleged crime if abuse or neglect is suspected and the person is younger than 21
- Share a written incident report with the county board by 3 p.m. on the first working day following the day they became aware
- Implement prevention plans to reduce future incidents
- Ensure health and welfare by identifying the MUI and supporting the provider in taking immediate actions to meet the needs of the person served
- Work with the individual team to create a prevention plan
- Provide linkage, resources and support to the individual and their team
- Review all initial reports to ensure that immediate actions have occurred, notifications are made, and the MUIs have been classified appropriately
- Conduct investigations where it is a conflict for the county boards to do so
- Review cases prior to closure to ensure appropriate causes and contributing factors have been identified and that a prevention plan has been developed
- Manage the Abuser Registry
- Conduct MUI training for people with disabilities, families, county boards, and providers
- Create Health and Welfare Alerts
- Assess statewide patterns and trends about MUIs
- Conduct mortality reviews
Visit https://dodd.ohio.gov/health-and-welfare for more information.
The MUI system is set up to help protect all individuals in the Developmental Disabilities system. By looking at individual and group data, we can see trends that can be addressed leading to better protections. These trends and patterns may include
- lack of access to adequate health care
- lack of diagnosis
- lack of identification of new problems for people with certain syndromes
- lack of necessary supports
Reporting helps DODD and SCOC to get a better picture of what is happening and helps both departments to make improvements in the system that benefit everyone.