Early Intervention

A Head Start Is the Best Start
Early Intervention (EI) is a family-centered program for infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities. The program is part of Ohio’s Help Me Grow System, serving children from birth until their 3rd birthday.
The early years are a critical time, so parents, families, doctors, and others concerned about a child’s development should refer a child to Early Intervention as early as possible.
Your child’s best teacher is YOU, and our team of professionals are here to support your family every step of the way.
How Early Intervention Supports Your Child:
Early Intervention is grounded in the philosophy that young children learn best from familiar people in natural environments and familiar settings.
This therapy provides a comprehensive array of services to enhance the overall well-being of the child.
Partners you and your child with a service coordinator and service providers, bringing together each team member’s expertise to help parents meet the goals they have for their child’s development.
Completes screenings, evaluations, and assessments to identify strengths and needs in early development, then creates a plan tailored to your child’s unique needs.
Focuses on enhancing your child’s participation in existing and desired family, community, and early childhood experiences
Facilitates development and independence through personalized goal setting, progress monitoring, and collaboration with your family.
Understanding Developmental Milestones for Your Child

Early Intervention Team:

Julie Felter

Nicci Drew

Kim Kancler

Deb Frankart

Ann Fuller

Trisha Schreiner

Jamie Miller

Malinda Meadows